2023 General Conference
Good Afternoon, Sisters.
This talk, Think Celestial, by Russell M Nelson may be fresh on your
mind from conference. And if you missed
it, I hope we can do it justice during our conversation today.
Two things before we begin let’s talk about last month’s
challenge, I'd like to finish up today at 25 after the hour so I can attend my grandsons’
primary program.
I have a fabulous prize for those who accepted my challenge
last month to begin the 21-day process of listening, seeing, hearing or just
thinking about our Prophet and his words of wisdom. That was either in the written word, radio,
podcast, scriptures, or any other means.
As a refresher, my Diet Coke Challenge from
last month? Anyone who wasn’t here
during our last meeting?
Daryl Macbeth challenged me to abstain from Diet Coke for a
month. He’d pay me $100 a day to keep
that challenge. 25 days later, I was
still going strong. And another month
later I am happy to report I have only had 3 diet cokes. 2 of which were on vacation.
How did your challenge of listening the Prophet
How did this challenge help you? What did you learn from it?
What did I learn? That I can do anything I set
my mind to. I also learned I can control
my own desires.
Thank you for participating, I’m certain this challenge to hear
the prophet, along with the Diet Coke challenge that was meant to teach me.
Let’s dive into the talk, Think Celestial by President Russell M. Nelson.
Let me ask, is there anything specifically that stood out to you during this talk?
Since hearing this address, how have you been
“thinking celestial”?
Raise your hand if you are in your 100th year or above?
President Nelson is keen on learning and sharing and
recognized 100 years of learning is important.
Can anyone in this room say they have the
wisdom of a 100-year-old prophet?
It’s like our own modern-day bible story, when we hear,
listen and heed the words of our prophet.
Things were different physically 100 years ago.
of Bread
of Milk
54.1 years
that lived in the country were still very far behind on the modern conveniences
of the 1920s. Many that lived on farms or in the country did not have the
following until after the Great Depression ended.
No indoor plumbing
- No electricity
- None of the modern appliances that we enjoy today
- Not everyone had a phone {may need to go to a neighbor or local
aspects to their life included:
- Men delivered ice for the ice box {did not have refrigerator yet}
- Everyone Helped out to Work the Fields
- Had cows and chickens for food
- Churned own butter (if they had a cow}
Is thinking celestial so different today than
it was in 1924?
We had the same principles, same gospel, same Savior.
President Nelson describes one of the most crucial lessons he’s learned in 100 years.
President Nelson says, I have learned that Heavenly Father’s plan for us is FABULOUS, that what we do in this life really matters, and that the Savior’s Atonement is what makes our Father’s plan possible.
Heavenly Father’s fabulous plan is a perfect plan, no
matter what year it is.
What did President Nelson say about how he could relate the Savior’s Atonement and his current injury?
He said he felt a deeper appreciation for the “pains and
afflictions and temptations of every kind”, just so we can be comforted,
healed, and come to us in times of need. Jesus Christ described His experience
in Gethsemane and on Calvary; “Which suffering caused myself, even God, the
greatest of ALL, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore”. President Nelsons injury caused him to
reflect again and again on “the greatness of the Holy One of Israel”. President Nelson felt Peace and Power from
Jesus Christ’s example.
Let’s talk about Heavenly
Father’s plan, the perfect plan. How
would you describe Heavenly Father’s plan to someone that had not heard it?
“It Is the Love of God”
desired to see father Lehi’s dream—the tree of life5—and he
did. Then Nephi also saw the beautiful baby Jesus.6 And
the angel asked, “Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw?”7
replied, “Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the
hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all
Before we came to this earth, our
Heavenly Father gently and peacefully placed in our bosoms “the love of God.
President Gordon B. Hinckley
teaches us about the plan:
First, cultivate an awareness;
bring others to a knowledge. “Let
there be cultivated an awareness in every member’s heart of his [or her] own
potential for bringing others to a knowledge of the truth. … Let him pray
with great earnestness about it. Let each member pray.”9
President Hinckley quotes the
testimony of Alma:
“O Lord, wilt thou grant unto us
that we may have success in bringing them again unto thee . …
“Behold, O
Lord, their souls are precious; … give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that
we may bring these, our brethren, … unto thee.”10
In the LDS
Bible Dictionary it states, “The object of prayer is not to change the will of
God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already
willing to grant, but that are made conditional on our asking for them.”11
Second, a good example is our
best tool. President Hinckley taught us, “The most effective tract we
will carry will be the goodness of our own lives.”12 As we
live the gospel, we will be like a lighthouse on a hilltop,13 “the
light” and “the salt of the earth.”14
We can
partake of “the love of God,” “the tree of life,” and drink from “the fountain
of living waters”15 daily
by communing with our Holy Father, immersing ourselves in the scriptures, and
meditation. Then the Lord will bless us to be more sensitive to speak to those
souls which He has prepared for us.
Third, act at a time when you
feel the Spirit. Elder M. Russell Ballard taught us: “The key to success in
bringing souls unto Christ is to act at a time when you feel the Spirit and you
sense that your friend does also. … Through our faith, our trust in the Lord,
and our good works, we can bring many souls unto the Lord.”16
As we seek
and pray in faith,17 the
Lord will guide us, and His elect will soon embrace18 “the
glad tidings of great joy,”19 to
partake of the eternal and “infinite atonement”20 of
the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Great Plan Dallin H. Oaks
A divine plan whose purpose is to enable the children of God to be exalted and become like Him.
To reclaim us from death and sin, our Heavenly Father’s plan would provide a Savior. His Resurrection would redeem all from death, and His atoning sacrifice would pay the price necessary for all to be cleansed from sin on the conditions prescribed to promote our growth.
This Atonement of Jesus Christ is central to the Father’s plan.
In the Council in Heaven, all the spirit children of God were introduced
to the Father’s plan, including its mortal consequences and trials, its
heavenly helps, and its glorious destiny. We saw the end from the beginning.
All of the myriads of mortals who have been born on this earth chose the Father’s plan and fought for it in the heavenly contest that followed. Many also made covenants with the Father concerning what they would do in mortality. In ways that have not been revealed, our actions in the spirit world have influenced our circumstances in mortality.
Mortality and Spirit World
I will now summarize some of the principal elements of the Father’s plan as they affect us during our mortal journeys and in the spirit world that follows.
The purpose of mortal life and the postmortal growth that can
follow it is for the offspring of God to become like He is.
This is Heavenly Father’s desire for all His children. To achieve this
joyful destiny, eternal laws require that we must become purified beings
through the Atonement of Jesus Christ so we can dwell in the presence of the
Father and the Son and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.
As the Book of Mormon teaches, He invites “all to come unto him and
partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and
white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all
are alike unto God” (2 Nephi 26:33; see also Alma 5:49).
The divine plan for us to become what we are destined to become requires
us to make choices to reject the evil opposition that tempts mortals to act contrary to
God’s commandments and His plan.
It also requires that we be subject to other mortal opposition,
such as from the sins of others or from some defects of birth. Sometimes
our needed growth is achieved better by suffering and adversity than by comfort
and tranquility. And none of this mortal opposition could achieve its
eternal purpose if divine intervention relieved us from all the adverse
consequences of mortality.
The plan reveals our destiny in eternity, the purpose and conditions of
our journey in mortality, and the heavenly helps we will receive. The
commandments of God warn us against straying into dangerous circumstances. The
teachings of inspired leaders guide our path and give assurances that promote
our eternal journey.
God’s plan gives us four great assurances to assist our journey through
All are given to us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, the
centerpiece of the plan.
The first assures us that through
His suffering for the sins of which we repent, we can be cleansed of those sins.
Second, as part of our Savior’s Atonement, He took upon Him all other mortal infirmities. This allows us to receive divine help and strength to bear the inevitable burdens of mortality, personal and general, such as war and pestilence. The Book of Mormon provides our clearest scriptural description of this essential power of the Atonement. The Savior took upon Him “the pains and the sicknesses [and infirmities] of his people. … He will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities” (Alma 7:11–12).
Third, the Savior, through His infinite Atonement, revokes the finality of death and gives us the joyful assurance that all of us will be resurrected. The Book of Mormon teaches, “This restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous; and even there shall not so much as a hair of their heads be lost; but every thing shall be restored to its perfect frame” (Alma 11:44).
The restored gospel assures us that the Resurrection can include the opportunity
to be with our family members—husband, wife, children, and parents. This is a
powerful encouragement for us to fulfill our family responsibilities in
mortality. It helps us live together in love in this life in anticipation of
joyful reunions and associations in the next.
Fourth and finally, modern revelation teaches us that our progress need
not conclude with the end of mortality.
Little has been revealed about this important assurance. We are told that this life is the time to prepare to meet God and that we should not procrastinate our repentance (see Alma 34:32–33). Still, we are taught that in the spirit world the gospel is preached even to “the wicked and the disobedient who had rejected the truth” (Doctrine and Covenants 138:29) and that those taught there are capable of repentance in advance of the Final Judgment (see verses 31–34, 57–59).
Here are some other fundamentals of our Heavenly Father’s plan:
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ gives us a unique perspective on the
subjects of chastity, marriage, and the bearing of children. It teaches that
marriage according to God’s plan is necessary for accomplishing the
purpose of God’s plan, to provide the divinely appointed setting for mortal
birth, and to prepare family members for eternal life. “Marriage is ordained of
God unto man,” the Lord said, “… that the earth might answer the end of
its creation” (Doctrine and Covenants
49:15–16). In this, His plan, of course, runs counter to some strong worldly
forces in law and custom.
Summing up the Plan
Because of Jesus Christ’s infinite Atonement,
our Heavenly Father’s plan is a perfect plan!
An understanding of God’s fabulous plan takes the mystery out of life
and the uncertainty out of our future.
It allows each of us to choose how we will live here on earth and
where we will live forever.
Let's talk about how we choose.
President Nelson said begin with the end in mind.
Can someone describe this for me?
President Nelson encourages you to begin with the end in
mind. This means making the celestial
kingdom your eternal goal and then carefully considering where each of your
decisions while here on earth will place you in the next world.
What is your personal answer to the question “how and where and with whom do you want to live forever”?
How does putting Jesus Christ first in our lives help us make celestial choices?
President Nelson lists several scenarios where thinking
celestial can help.
· You
are confronted with a dilemma ▪
· You
are tested by temptation ▪
· Life
or loved ones let you down ▪
· Someone
dies prematurely ▪
· Someone
lingers with a devastating illness ▪
· Pressures
of life crowd in on you ▪
· As you
recover from an accident or injury •
All of these trials give us the choice to turn to the lord
for counsel and help.
Praying for help and listening to counsel can guide our thoughts
to think celestial.
In the LDS Bible Dictionary it
states, “The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure
for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant,
but that are made conditional on our asking for them.”11
Are you familiar with the Choose Your Own Adventure books?
Sharing a bit about these books can help illustrate that our choices have
Agency is so important to our Heavenly Father. He wants us
all to come Home to Him in the Celestial Kingdom, but He allows us each to
choose if we will or not think celestial.
I am blessed to have some great people to work with. During our lunch break when we watch shows and eat lunch…. It’s the after-lunch discussions that are the most important. I asked the group what think celestial meant to them…
· After
losing a daughter, the only way I can think is celestial, because it keeps me
focused on the chance, I get to see her again.
· Every
week during the sacrament prayer we are re-focusing our efforts towards the
savior and that is thinking celestial.
· Eternal
Families are only possible in the celestial kingdom, this keeps me focused on
thinking celestial.
Thessalonians 5:12-22 How to
Live is thinking Celestial.
How does thinking celestial help with each of
these situations?
One of the gentlemen uses the word FOCUS, when a meeting gets
off topic or we get going astray. I
believe the word FOCUS applies in this situation and talk from President
Nelson. He wants us to constantly bring
our FOCUS to the savior and thinking celestial in terms of the long game.
I believe Heavenly Father’s fabulous plan is a perfect
plan, no matter what year it is.
The decisions someone would make in 1923 to “Think
Celestial” are very much the same decisions that someone would make today to
“Think Celestial”.
Read Handout… I believe you get to choose how and where and
with whom you want to live forever.
In the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN
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