Thursday, May 9, 2019

Come Follow Me "Here's Mud In Your Eye"

Many, many times while raising children, I silently pondered and wondered, if anything the "village" (primary teachers, scout leaders, young women leaders, parents and priesthood friends) had been teaching my children could possibly be sinking into their thoughts.

My own children and the many related and unrelated children who came and went from my home were subject to the same teachings, scolding's and chores, but.... were they learning?  

Fast forward two whole decades into the future, where my grandson Kye was at the table drawing a picture of a face.  The face turned out to be mine with one squinted eye and another small eye, destined to need glasses. The squinted eye in his drawing was clearly unable to see.  The discussion began, I let Kye know that Jesus performed miracles and put mud on a blind man's eyes so he could see.  It was my secret hope the drawing of my face soon be the recipient of a miracle and the plight of my vision deformities might be rendered with sight.

Drey jumped into the conversation and clarified the story he recently learned from his primary class.  He said, "It wasn't mud, it was Jesus's spit mixed with clay and then Jesus put it on the man's eyes."   "Jesus told the man to go wash in the water and he'd be able to see".

Here's the proof I needed, he has been secretly listening to the "village" of people sent to care for him. YES! it's working, the lessons are sinking in. 

Drey verified the details of the story for the family and I am proudly rejoicing in the knowledge and faith in our Heavenly Father, his son Jesus Christ and the village.  I am thankful for their miracles and the stories that exist in the hearts and minds of my children and grandchildren. 

John 9:1-41

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