Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Come Follow Me "Open Your Scriptures"

There are times in my life where I feel unsettled, not at peace with myself, fearful, lacking direction, and desiring internal renewal.

Listening to a podcast (latter day article, story, book or radio show) by Melanie Price Wellman reminds me I am not doing my part to become closer to the Savior.  I am not doing the things needed to find peace, clarity and direction.

Visualizing myself with bright beautiful eyes and a smile lighting up the room is spectacular.  My body feels light, agile, physically appealing and healthy.  Wanting this for myself has been a dream of mine for my entire adult life.

I seem to lack the daily fortitude to make the little changes to get to that point.  My mind and heart aren't acting as one to become the person on the outside that I want from the inside.  The  person I see for myself is loving and acting diligently and deliberately to have a healthy body I can use to run, play, love and smile with confidence.  I want a healthy mind with thoughts and actions following the teachings of the scriptures by example and daily deeds.  I want the desire to provide self care and freedom to create without feeling guilt or internal pressure to be somewhere else.

Melanie's talk from the week of April 12th, 2019, "Come, Follow Me", gives the instruction to find peace, clarity and the settled feeling I desire each day.  The message is clear, open your scriptures (Book of Mormon) and take the time to read every day.  Opening them only on the Sunday's you attend church is not enough.  We must, I must open them daily with intent to find clarity, peace and answers I need.  Her example mentions a time she randomly opened her scriptures looking for knowledge and guidance regarding the potential move to a new home.  When she followed the advice given to us by the past and the living Prophet to open her scriptures she discovered her answer within a few verses.  She had the knowledge and teaching ability to instruct her son to reach for his scriptures and he, in turn found comfort and understanding during his parents divorce for which he sought answers. While I am not re-telling Melanie's stories with the exactness and eloquent words she provided, the message is pure, open your scriptures daily.

When we do what the Lord asks, he is bound by his word and will help us with our endeavor to feel at peace, become better saints, have our hearts lightened and become our best selves.  He simply asks, "come, follow me".

The take away is clear, open your scriptures. 

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