Monday, April 29, 2019

Come Follow Me "Parable of the Mop"

Most months I dread attending fast and testimony meeting. However, I am pleasantly surprised by the love, strength and humbleness I feel after the strong testimonies of the ward members are expressed from the pulpit.  When a testimony is shared during the meeting, there is a vulnerability exposed by all willing to openly share the love they feel from and for the savior.

The Come, Follow Me manual discussed parables during the week of March 18th - 24th  "Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear".  Parables were and are used to drive home a lesson learned through real life examples and to help us grow in the Church.  During our last Fast Sunday I felt inspired to share a self proclaimed parable,  "The Parable of the Mop".  It went like this... 

After getting ready for church today I noticed once again the wooden floors in our home had doggy footprints everywhere.  From the back door, through the family room, up the stairs and in the kitchen, down the hall and around the front room and back.  My blood boiled, and I pulled the mop from the closet and said, "Scott! Let me show you how to run this thing."  He sat innocently on the couch, where he was waiting for me to announce that I was ready for church and calmly said, "Do you need to go back to bed and get up on the other side?"  That did it!  I wasn't happy with the floor, or that he didn't want to learn now to run the mop.  I said, "I PAY good money money to have the floors cleaned and ALL you have to do is have the dog wipe his feet, or leave him outside until the mud is rubbed off on the grass before you let him inside".

As soon as I opened my mouth I knew what I said, "I PAY".  Yes, my dirty little secret is out, I do pay to have my floors cleaned.  But it was Sunday, a day when I should be remembering to be my best self.  I found myself getting riled up and when I said the words "I PAY", my mind went immediately to the Savior and "HE PAYED".  He payed the ultimate price with his life and ALL he asks is that we keep the commandments, follow him and be good to each other.  When he asks us these things he knows that we will fail over and over again and yet he still accepts us and gives us another opportunity to do the right things.  I am calling this, "The Parable of the Mop", and it's a reminder to me of what the Lord, our Savior Jesus Christ payed for our sins and what he will do and has done to help us learn how to conduct our lives.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Come Follow Me "Open Your Scriptures"

There are times in my life where I feel unsettled, not at peace with myself, fearful, lacking direction, and desiring internal renewal.

Listening to a podcast (latter day article, story, book or radio show) by Melanie Price Wellman reminds me I am not doing my part to become closer to the Savior.  I am not doing the things needed to find peace, clarity and direction.

Visualizing myself with bright beautiful eyes and a smile lighting up the room is spectacular.  My body feels light, agile, physically appealing and healthy.  Wanting this for myself has been a dream of mine for my entire adult life.

I seem to lack the daily fortitude to make the little changes to get to that point.  My mind and heart aren't acting as one to become the person on the outside that I want from the inside.  The  person I see for myself is loving and acting diligently and deliberately to have a healthy body I can use to run, play, love and smile with confidence.  I want a healthy mind with thoughts and actions following the teachings of the scriptures by example and daily deeds.  I want the desire to provide self care and freedom to create without feeling guilt or internal pressure to be somewhere else.

Melanie's talk from the week of April 12th, 2019, "Come, Follow Me", gives the instruction to find peace, clarity and the settled feeling I desire each day.  The message is clear, open your scriptures (Book of Mormon) and take the time to read every day.  Opening them only on the Sunday's you attend church is not enough.  We must, I must open them daily with intent to find clarity, peace and answers I need.  Her example mentions a time she randomly opened her scriptures looking for knowledge and guidance regarding the potential move to a new home.  When she followed the advice given to us by the past and the living Prophet to open her scriptures she discovered her answer within a few verses.  She had the knowledge and teaching ability to instruct her son to reach for his scriptures and he, in turn found comfort and understanding during his parents divorce for which he sought answers. While I am not re-telling Melanie's stories with the exactness and eloquent words she provided, the message is pure, open your scriptures daily.

When we do what the Lord asks, he is bound by his word and will help us with our endeavor to feel at peace, become better saints, have our hearts lightened and become our best selves.  He simply asks, "come, follow me".

The take away is clear, open your scriptures. 

Friday, April 12, 2019

Come Follow Me "Thou Art the Christ"

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has an amazing study manual titled, "Come, Follow Me - For Individuals and Families".  In this manual there are weekly lessons to share with your family, friends and within your own heart.

This weeks section titled, "Improving Our Teaching", a talk by Henry B. Eyring taught us, never miss a chance to gather children together to learn of Jesus Christ.

My grandson, Drey (age 9) was visiting my home.  I asked him what Jesus would look like when he returns to earth to visit us.  He knew immediately the days and night would be different than normal, he knew there would be sunlight when there should be night.  He knew he would recognize him by people’s reactions to a person who was visibly white and glowing.

I appreciate Drey's perspective and knowledge of the coming of Jesus Christ and his love for the Savior. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Beginning of the Blog

I am a daughter of God, mother, wife, aunt, grandma, sister, friend, co-worker, seamstress, quilter, lover of the beach, sand, sunshine and life long seeker of knowledge.  

Over the last four years I have lost my mother to COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and my father to Esophageal Cancer.  Finalizing affairs, funerals, obituaries, bills, property, bank accounts, life insurance, pensions, and feelings has been heart wrenching.  

The dust has settled and the footprints of my parents erased too soon.  Now I am moving forward to write what I feel is important by documenting my thoughts, beliefs, memories and lessons learned. It’s my prayer that my words and testimony will live longer than footprints fading from the earth beneath my feet. 

My Sewing Beginning's

  My story starts like many other women who had grandmothers and mothers who sewed out of necessity.   My grandmother earned money mending c...